It’s Getting Complicated.

I recently wrote about Lance and the shocking discovery of symptoms with a sinister familiarity to Peripheral Neuropathy. Now that I have the ability to look at the words without feeling extreme nausea, I wanted to give everyone who commented and sent encouraging emails an update.

Firstly, I have been very cool and calm when it comes to Lance’s night time groans and discomfort. I don’t want him to latch onto the fact that I am stricken with fear. I put my Cate Blanchett hat on, and while remaining completely honest with him, I cannot show him that I’m fraught with concern.

We have been to our GP, who has an amazing rapport with Lance. I dislike speaking about Lance’s Diabetes in a negative light to anyone when Lance is present. Therefore, I asked him to tell Dr Congo about his symptoms of hot, burning feet at night.

“Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s the coldest night, it feels like there is a bushfire in my feet. Sometimes I have to look at my feet just to check that they really aren’t on fire.”

Dr Congo turned his head towards me, searching for my reaction. His reaction made me want to be sick.

“Lance, tell me, do you get pins and needles often?”


“Can you point to where you feel the bushfire the most?”

Lance grabbed his ankle, then rubbed over the top of his foot, tracing his finger over blueish veins.

He also added that he has mild tingling in his lower calf.

Dr Congo pressed his middle and index fingers together on Lance’s foot. He sat in silence, concentrating.

He then performed a reflex test on Lance’s kneecaps. Normal response noted.

Dr Congo swung around on his chair and raised his eyebrows at me.

“Well, I need you to bring Lance in to have a DIabetic Assessment with one of the registered nurses. Then, once they have gathered the information we need, I’m going to refer you to a podiatrist who specialises in Diabetes complications.”

Those last two words.

I read them, I write them. Occasionally, I’ve even said them.

But no one has ever said them with such pathos.

I have also contacted his Diabetes Educator.

“What was his last A1C?” she asked.

“7.1” I replied.

“I’d say it’s a growth spurt, Kate. Seriously, kids don’t have neuropathy problems.”

“Really?” I asked hopefully.

“Well, when was he diagnosed? 3, 4 years ago?”

“It will be 6 years on the 1st November.”

“Oh. Listen, Charles is on duty today, can you please give him a call?”

(Charles is one of four endocrinologists who work exclusively with children. Unfortunately, we have never met Charles, and he is unaware of Lance’s history.)

“Peripheral Neuropathy only occurs in older people with poor control and high AIC’s. Oh, and with type 2 diabetes.”

My jaw fell in astonishment.


“I’d just like to point out that before Lance started on insulin infusion, his control was shocking, he had massive fluctuations due to growth hormones. He was having up to 7 injections a day to keep him in single digits, and it was really hard work to achieve that.”

“Nup. Doesn’t make any difference. He’s type 1.”

As much as I was desperate to believe him, I was angry that he was brushing aside my concerns, and his slap-happy approach to pinning peripheral neuropathy onto lazy, irresponsible adults with type 2 diabetes left me postively livid.

Our endocrinologist is in Vietnam on a 4 week holiday. He left the day before I called him.

Lance’s Aunt Kel is a sports scientist, who is currently completing a two year trial with a group of men and women in their sixties,all who have type 2 diabetes. She is excited to present her thesis which will reveal that each of the particpants blood sugar levels have overall improved dramatically as a result of strengthening muscles through weight training.

I spoke to Kel last night, and mentioned Lance’s symptoms.

“Oh my God.” she whispered.

“I KNOW!” I exclaimed, relieved that someone understood my concerns.

She immediately launched into exercise specialist mode and set Lance 100 toe lifts (quick lift up onto toes, and slow drop on the way down) a day. She encouraged plenty of foot movement, toe wiggles, trampoline, circling his feet, all in an attempt to improve circulation. I immediately felt so much relief from hearing advice that was positive and beneficial from a professional.

So, Lance has commenced his toe lifts, we have an appointment with Dr Congo tomorrow who will write Lance’s assessment and then contact the podiatrist for an appointment.

I have incorperated a 10 minute massage after Lance’s shower. I rub until I can feel warmth exuding from his feet , and it is providing him with a little relief.

There really is nothing more that I can do, except to try to remain positive.

I will give another update after the assessment and the appointment. Looking at this has made me remind myself that Diabetes is not just about insulin therapy. As a parent who is responsible for educating my son about how to take care of his condition, I acknowledge that’s its so important to remain quietly vigilant everyday. Just little things could make a mammoth difference to a complication-free adolescence. Now that we’ve passed the five year mark, we need to add some new specialists into our diabetes management program.

As much as I do worry, I am constantly amazed at Lance’s ability to accept what accomanpanies diabetes. Right now, his biggest worry is whether he’s getting a Lego truck for his birthday.

The Birthday Present. (Well, one of them. I'm hopeless.)

The Birthday Present. (Well, one of them. I'm hopeless.)

(It’s sitting up in the top of my cupboard wrapped between pillows and blankets. He looks at a Lego catalogue everyday, and studies intently the detail and pieces of this truck. I’ll have an 8 year old in 26 days, and he’s simply amazing. :))


6 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Kathy said,

    Well I’ll be hoping it’s a growth spurt. Thanks for the update.

    And hey, that’s some truck. I think I want one too! 🙂

  2. 2

    I’ve asked a friend who is a nurse and a diabetic about some tingling sensations that I had and she said that while it was very, very unlikely to be neuropathy, sometimes you can get those symptoms for a variety of reasons. I even asked my endo about it and she said the same thing. She said there are different causes for feeling different sensations in the legs that aren’t neuropathy. As the endo pointed out – and I’ve read this in many places – it’s extremely rare for a child who’s only had diabetes for a few years to get diabetes complications especially when they are fairly well controlled. I’m not trying to brush off your concerns – you should definitely get it looked at – but you should also ask about what are the other causes for something like this. I’m just trying to be optimistic. 🙂

  3. 3

    Ellyn said,

    It’s great that Lance can forget about diabetes for a while. He can be “normal” for a bit.

    That’s an awesome truck! I’ve seen it in LEGO magazines 🙂

  4. 4

    Kezza said,

    Is there anything worse than a brisk endo? That kind of attitude makes me sick. Well I hope the exercises provide some relief and that there is nothing awry. I remember having the most extraorinary throbbing pain in my feet and lower legs for years as a teenager which thankfully went away with time. Good ‘ol growing pains. As for that truck – Lance sure knows how to pick a ripper pressie… I want one too!

  5. 5

    Melissa B. said,

    Dear Superior Scribbler: Sorry for the “canned” and unrelated nature of this comment, but I wanted to get to as many of you tonite as possible. One of the things that we at Scholastic Scribe are most proud of is the Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. Several of you are already familiar with the arbitrary and quite inane weekly attempt at humor…for you, and for those of you who have not yet played Sx3, I urge you to drop by Sunday to see what’s up. Oh, and congrats on being named a SS. You earned it!

  6. 6

    Cally said,

    I just spent the last 30 minutes reading about you and your sweet Lance.
    thank you so much for sharing your story.
    I have been diabetic now for 20 years. I am 28 years old. As an adult, I have been frustrated beyond belief about the health care that’s been provided for me and wish someone was both intelligent and caring enough to find a way to truly help me.
    Unfortunately, I have been jerked around within our medical system at dr. appointments and the pharmacy for years.
    My story is not the same as yours and Lance’s, but reading about he dr’s telling you the same, same, same thing over and over again when you KNOW that they are wrong reminds me so much of my experience. The experience that while they know the answer because of whatever their textbook told them along the way, you and Lance are the only ones who truly know becuase you are the ones living it.
    you are doing the right thing by demainding they they do better..that they try again until your little boy is ok again. Please keep demanding. It’s only people like us who know better that will make medicine better.
    Again, I wish you so much love and luck.

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