Archive for January, 2008

“Slin”-Coming To A Town Near You.

Today, I transformed myself from Mum and Carer into Supersleuth extraordinare.

I am not easily shocked, but I have to admit, when I found out about some disturbing information from two very reliable sources, I decided to check it out before I drew any conclusions.

My findings have left me utterly disgusted.

Let me explain….

I have a great friend who works in Emergency/Triage at a hospital. He deals with pretty much everything from kids with high fevers to victims of horrible road accidents. I guess he’s pretty unshockable, too.

We caught up over New Year for a chat, and he started to tell me something, and then quickly withdrew the comment telling me that I didn’t want to know. I could tell by his body language that it was something that he had regretted starting to say.  Now, when someone does the old “Oh, never mind,” or “It doesn’t matter,” my curiosity (which is very active anyway) gets the better of me,  I beg, plead and grovel until I get my way.  Sometimes, it really doesn’t matter. or I shouldn’t have minded. However, my mate couldn’t look at me and his face and ears had turned a brilliant shade of scarlet.

I pestered and reasoned with him for about 10 minutes until he finally relented.

“Oh…this guy was rushed into emergency unconscious, and it turned out that his blood sugar was really low. We just gave him some glucagon and a sweet drink and then the registrar came to visit and inspect what was going on. This guy was absolutely huge,not overweight, but as strong as a tiger,he could have flattened me in one swipe. The muscles..even at the gym I’ve never seen anything like these muscles.”

I was impressed that a young guy with Type 1 Diabetes was apparently setting out to obtain a impressive physique. But there was more…

“Anyway, he was in a real hurry to discharge himself, and the doctor said that he wanted to keep his eye on him for a few hours and wait until he had eaten something substantial. The doc left the room, and I started getting his medication details. I asked him how long he had been diagnosed for, to which he replied, “Four years.” Then I asked him what insulins he was taking, and he said the name of a rapid, to which I replied “and?” You have no idea how much he was squirming at this point. He then said in hushed tones,

‘I don’t have betes okay? I just use a bit of slin from time to time when I’ve got a comp on. Can I go now?’ 

“So it turns out that this guy is a professional body builder, and he injects fast acting insulin, and then crams himself like crazy with Mars Bars and sweets and as many carbs as he can. He has little bursts of insulin on a regular basis, and because it’s totally undetectable in a urine sample, it’s considered “the ‘perfect’ performance enhancing drug.”

I was actually shocked.

This is the theory responsible for how insulin has become the favourite underground performance enhancer.

  • Insulin is used in bodybuilding to increase the bulk of muscles. Regular injections of short-acting insulin are combined with a high carbohydrate diet and this has two helpful effects.
  • Firstly, the insulin works in the same way as it does in endurance athletes – increasing the volume of glycogen and leading to an increase in muscle bulk.
  • The second effect is that it prevents the breakdown of muscle protein. This means more muscle is made than destroyed, thereby increasing the size of muscles.

My mate felt dreadful that he had told me, considering that insulin is 100% responsible for keeping Lance alive. I felt angry that such expensive treatment that is so heavily subsidised and accepted by the Australian Government as essential for the wellbeing an longevity of people with Type 1 Diabetes, is being used as the ‘perfect’ performance enhancer in the bodybuilding circuits.

Of 420 bodybuilders at one gym, each was asked if they were using insulin alone or with steroids. 10% admitted that they were.

The tragic irony amongst this incredibly dangerous practice, is that these muscle junkies, desperate to attain the uber body, are often diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes later in life as a result of regular use, because the body’s own insulin production falters.

The risks associated with self-administering insulin is so frightening; most people have no idea how much to use, often resulting in hypoglycaemic symptoms, and as a result are often too confused and disorientated to pick up the phone and call an ambulance. There have been reports of bodybuilders all over the world being rushed to hospital suffering from classic hypo symptoms and unconciousness as a result of low blood sugar. However, as the insulin they favour is rapid acting, they recover very quickly. Even a person with Diabetes who has to self administer insulin, or requires a parent to give the correct amount are dealing with a very dangerous drug.  The high risk of unconsciousness, coma or death are all very real, and are now taken with a grain of salt. Even though insulin in itself is not an addictive medication, the routine of injecting, muscles growing stronger, bigger and harder, and the obvious increase in endurance are all enough to classify insulin abuse as a pyschological dependency.

But wait! There’s more..

A female friend of mine is having physio on her knee after a netball injury. She has Type 1 Diabetes, and whilst waiting for an appointment, she couldn’t help but notice a chunky, well built guy take a seat. The sleeves of his t shirt were cutting into the muscles bulging out of his arms. She had a 45 minute wait, so she decided to perform a fingerprick on herself. She grabbed a muesli bar from her backpack, as her reading was 5.6mmol/L-an excellent result, but one that would definitely result in a hypo if she had to wait and then endure a taxing session with the physio.

Suddenly, she looked up and saw the musclechunk sitting right beside her. He was engaging in general chit-chat, asked her where her pain was, how she hurt herself, how she copes with sport and Type 1 Diabetes. My friend is a beautiful, innocent, sweet-hearted little kitten; she had no idea that any moment she was going to be hit on. Or should I say, hit up.

By the time she went into her appointment, Boofhead had conned her into giving him two vials of rapid acting insulin that she always keeps with her in her hypobag. “Apparently”, some “creep” had gone through his bag at the pool and stolen his medication kit which contained his imaginary insulin equipment for his imaginary Type 1 Diabetes. He was even brazen enough to say that it was probably a “junkie” looking for something a little bit harder than insulin, and how disappointed they would be. He pulled the “Oh, I’m gonna be crook tonight, my levels will be through the roof” routine on her. She was a sucker for a cute boy in distress, but she grew suspicious when he rushed off after he had persuaded, charmed and conquered. He used the excuse that he had a friend to pick up from the bus station and how they would be waiting. She decided to ask the receptionist whose appointment was first, hers or his; the receptionist replied, “Oh! I thought he was with you! He’s not a patient here..”

My friend quickly contacted me when she arrived home,  audibly upset, and generally feeling violated that she had been played for a fool. We decided whether we should contact the police and report that there was a sheister targetting people with Type 1 Diabetes. She decided against it, as she felt that she had willingly given it to him. Despite my frustration, I respected her decision.

So, today, I decided to find out if there is a significant silent problem in the area. Afterall, Lance has Type 1 Diabetes, and I am responsible for his insulin.

I headed for the Needle Exchange at the hospital. The girl behind the perspex barrier with pea sized circles to project our voices through asked me “what I was after.” As it is a completely confidential program, I knew that I wouldn’t be getting any information from the staff about bodybuilders injecting insulin. Feeling my face turn hot and red, I asked for needles suitable for injecting insulin. (I felt quite the fool, knowing that Lance had used these very syringes when he was diagnosed.)

“Are you a diabetic?” she queried.

“Oh no, no..”I stuttered. (Hopeless Liar!!) I need them for.. other purposes.”

“Okay, how many were you after?”

“Um..just two?” I replied, not wanting to appear too obvious or like I was a runner for my non-existent beefcake boyfriend.

“Okay..just a few often do you use?”

She asked me like she wanted to know if I wanted Coke or Diet Coke.

I replied, “Oh, they are actually not for me. My partner has a competition coming up, and he wants to get just a bit bigger so he can perform to his best, you know?”

“Oh okay..well, how often would you say he uses?”

“Umm, up to 4 times a day?”

“Hmm. You’re going to need more than 2 needles in that case. I’ll give you a pack of 20 then.” she said, totally deadpan.

“Oh..okay. So, what do people usually ask for when they come here for needles? I mean for, you know, insulin, for..non-diabetics.”

“The maximum we give out is 2 packs of 20, and then we give 10ml barrels with different sized guages for the steroids.You can add the insulin in with the steroid and avoid having two injections.”

She said it. She actually made reference to insulin being used in an illicit nature. 

 She had fallen into my trap without any danger or suspecting that I was looking for information. I was feeling really uncomfortable however, as other clients had started to line up. They seemed edgy, shuffling their feet, watching the seconds tick by on their watches.  I could sense their urgency.

I wanted out.

“So just the 10mls then? I’ll give you a pack of 10, see how you go.”

“Yeah, that’ll be fine. Just those, please.”

“Oh and before you go, okay, I have to tell everybody this, if your boyfriend appears tired or irrational or unable to stand after he injects, he will need to be brought straight to the hospital. You can ask your doctor for a Glucagon Kit, which will reverse the side effects. But, yeah. Just be careful with the insulin, okay?”

“Yep, no problem. Thanks.”

She handed my a pile of brochures on safe sex, Hepatitis C, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, a pack of condoms and some lubricant and a fridge magnet with their hours of business printed on it.

In the other hand was a brown paper bag with the contraband.

(I had to work at a Needle Exchange whilst studying a Counselling Unit in Psychology. I knew from my time there that even if you personally find giving needles for shooting up drugs morally deplorable, the main objective is to promote safe usage of needles, and to reduce the harm factor. Clean, unused and plentiful needles and sharps containers that are free and easily obtained lessens the chance of users sharing needles and equipment, therefore reducing the chances of contracting or spreading blood borne diseases such as Hepatitis C and HIV.)

My next mission was to a gym, it has a reputation for body sculpting and personal trainers that work you hard for optimum results. I went in and approached the counter, asked questions about membership, and the possibility of hiring a personal trainer. Whilst I was filling out the forms, an impressive looking guy emerged from a door behind the counter. He sat down beside me, and read my nome de plume off the form.

“Christine! Great to meet you! You’re thinking of getting a personal trainer for the New Year huh?” he asked enthusiastically. 

“Well, I want to ask some questions first. So maybe you can help me?” I flashed my widest and most enticing smile.

“Oh sure, sure, sure. I’m your man. What areas of your body did you want to concentrate on?” he asked, whilst maintaining strict eye contact with me.

“Umm..probably just general toning up, I’m pretty happy being me actually. You see, since my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, I don’t have time for luxuries such as the gym anymore. But I think he’s old enough now that he could come to the creche and wait until I had finished my session.”

“Oh, poor little guy! So, does that mean he’s on insulin?” he asked.

“Oh yeah. Never leave home without it.” I smiled.

“Well, no dramas there. You are welcome to keep some stock for emergencies marked with his name on it in our staff room fridge. That’s what we do for our other diabetics.”Hmmm, interesting…

“Wow! You mean you have other people who leave their insulin here? That’s such a sensible idea!” I exclaimed, I was waiting for the chance to nab him whilst he was vulnerable..

“Yes, well we think so. So, you’d need to bring glucagon along as well, wouldn’t ya? I mean, it’s risky for any diabetic not to have a box of that in the fridge,” I was so close, but I just didn’t know how to sew up the conversation…

“Well no, I wouldn’t leave that in the fridge, I actually keep that very close to me at all times.”I assured him firmly.

“Oh, actually, you will get the best possible results if you keep it refrigerated you of those along with his insulins would certainly keep your mind at ease.” he smiled.

“Hm. Yeah.” (So nervous at this point.) “Um..actually, is it true that you guys have had Australian Champions in body building that have trained at this gym?” I asked with mock interest.

He proudly pointed to a cabinet full of trophies.
“We have done really, really well, Christine. We’ve exceded our expectations in all areas of the centre. I’m sure you will have a very positive experience with us.” he smiled warmly. it now…

“Well, that’s probably true, but my biggest concern is why you want me to have my son’s insulin here so badly, I am fully aware of insulin abuse and I know that our city is not immune from it. Stealing insulin from a person with Diabetes is so unbelievably serious, you know that don’t you? I mean, it’s an offence that you could easily be charged for, and possibly even face jail time over.”

His obvious fake-tanned face turned red, his enthusiasm was replaced with a snipey, punctuated hate speech.

“How DARE you come IN here ACCUSING ME of running MY establishment…hang on, are you a COP? I’m NOT saying anything else until I get MY lawyer on the phone. You’re a F*****G EVIL  W***E, B***H!”

“Oh, thanks so much for that. That pretty much answers all of my questions. It’s amazing how you can dob yourself in without even realising it. Here’s your form and pen, and thank you so much for your time.”

I got out of the building without him saying another word.

I thought that I might actually vomit as I crossed the road. Admittedly, I was shaken after being sworn at by someone who obviously had a truly nasty streak, but also that the time has come where my child’s insulin is now considered valuable on the black market.

At this point, I just had to get today off my chest,  as I am considering what to do next. I know I was playing with fire, but I just needed to know

 It will be interesting to watch World Records being broken in China at the Olympic Games later this year.

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I Love Australia!


It was Australia Day yesterday.

We had a celebration with all of my family.

We have a public holiday tomorrow to celebrate being Australians.

Captain Cook discovered our country in 1788.

I’m really proud that I’m an Aussie. We have lots of people who are great at sport, amazing at making movies and terrific singers and musicians. 

Aussies are pretty famous for making people laugh. (Australian people who are funny are often called larrikins. My favourite larrikin was Steve Irwin.)

We also have some really smart scientists and doctors who are looking really hard for our cure. I have spoken to some scientists who said that even when I’m asleep in bed they are working and testing and doing everything they can to find a cure for me. I really believe in them. 🙂

Happy Australia Day everyone!!!

Australians all let us ring Joyce….

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Warning:Pancreas’s Are NOT Pretty!

My Mum and I have been looking at pictures of the human organs.

We found a picture of a heart, and kidneys, and then we came across a Pancreas.


Did you know that your pancreas is a grey but mostly yellow organ?

(The heart was a nice pink colour, and actually looked like a heart..well, sort of.)

Look at this picture.


Normal Pancreas

I can’t believe that this is a pancreas! The cause of my problems looks like this!

It just looks like a gross yellow Capital L.



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Australian Film Makes A Whole Lot Of “Noise” About Type 1 Diabetes.

I watch a lot of films. I’m more of an independent-film -made-on-a-shoestring-budget lover, rather than Hollywood blockbusters and billion dollar box offices.

Once in a blue moon I come across something very close to home in a film.

A character portraying a Type 1 Diabetic.

Of course we have the likes of Steel Magnolias, Derailed, Memento and Panic Room-all great films in their own rights, each giving the viewer a sneak peak into the life of a person with Diabetes, how it affects the family, and the high stress levels and devastation trail it leaves behind.

You can imagine my surprise and intrigue when I found a very realistic Diabetes theme in a highly acclaimed, Australian recent release called Noise.

Noise-An Australian film that features a prominent diabetic character

Released last year in cinemas Australia wide, I put it on my “Wait until it comes to DVD list.” On Friday, I was so ecstatic that there, in my beloved arthouse DVD store, sat one lone copy of “Noise,” that was clearly meant for me.

Having an MA rating, with plenty of obsenities and violence, I was stinging for Lance to go to sleep last night. Thankfully, he was pretty compliant, and went off to “Yugi-oh Dreamland” quite easily. He was 9.1mmol/L, so I felt comfortable to hike up the volume and relax.

I don’t want to give away the plot for those who are interested enough to watch it, but briefly, Noise is set in Melbourne and deals with several confronting issues, including a chilling shooting that leaves one teenage girl the sole witness.

Whilst she was being interrogated by a female Detective, the girl suddenly asks for her
“pink bag.” The cop kindly obliges and sets off on a mission to retrieve it. Upon returning, she finds the girl slumped over on a bench, eyes rolled back in her head and barely conscious.

The Detective starts manically rummaging through her bag, when an all too familiar orange box shows itself.

“Oh f**k, she’s a diabetic, somebody get an ambulance!”

Wow. I was so shocked to see a glucagon kit fall out!(I felt slightly macabre rewinding for another viewing, but I couldn’t believe that a scene in a film actually moved me enough to go and observe my sleeping son; I even resorted to  checking his blood sugar level.) That orange box is so significant to me; it has saved my son’s life dozens of times and here was a replica of a severe hypoglycaemic episode, and the medication that reverses the effects of critical low blood sugar being depicted in an Australian film.

The next scene shows the girl sitting up and lucid on a stretcher, sipping a drink and being monitored by the ambos. Swap the teenage girl for my own son, and we have the exact same scenario, too many times to count.

Later in the film, the girl is alone, walking, and senses that she is being followed. She instinctively rummages through her bag and opens a glucagon kit, ready to use the syringe as a defense tool. (My mind wandered…what would happen to a person without Diabetes who was given a blast of Glucagon? I assumed that they would be suffering from almost instant vomiting, mind numbing headache, and raised blood sugar levels that would leave them feeling extremely ill. They would surely need to be hospitalized, and put on a drip with added insulin? (I will do some detective work and see if such an incident has ever occurred.)

I felt really proud that the people all over Australia, who watched this film either at the cimema or on DVD, would have seen the kit fall out of her bag, and have the Police immediately connect it with a Diabetes emergency that was serious enough to require emergency treatment from the ambulance. Stranger things have happened…Someone’s life could be saved if a kind soul passing was willing enough to intervene and associated the orange box with Diabetes from a “movie” they had seen.

The scenes concerning severe hypoglycaemia were portrayed with perfect accuracy and I really commend the Director, Matthew Saville for choosing to use the female lead character as a “normal,” beautiful, employed, everyday girl, whose Diabetes was only disclosed after her “episode”. He really did his homework in regards to what really happens-people need to see that a person with Type 1 Diabetes will not always recover from a handful of jellybeans. It was such a relief that the dreaded, expected stereotype of a “Diabetic” was nowhere in sight.

This film is available on DVD internationally.

NB: A valued reader informed me that “Noise” is not out in the States yet. 😦 Thanks, Chris!)

*Noise does contain some scenes that would be identified and shamefully recognised by most Australian viewers after  events that occurred a few years ago. I apologize on behalf of the repugnant racial attacks by Australians against other Australians that happen to have European background. These people add to the diversity and multicultural reputation that Australia is proudly reknowned for.

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In Honour Of Heath Ledger 1979-2008



Urban Cowboy

Heath Ledger

My favourite Australian Actor.

Too devastated for words.


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What is Coeliac Disease And What Are The Symptoms To Look Out For?

Coeliac Disease is a condition where the lining of the small intestine is damaged or scarred due to a sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in many foods.

Being an auto-immune condition, it is often diagnosed in people who have Type 1 Diabetes. In general, an estimated 1% of of people are affected, in comparison to 10% of  the Type 1 community.

People with undiagnosed Coeliac Disease are unknowingly damaging their intestinal wall each time they consume food with gluten as an ingredient. It makes it very difficult to absorb nutrients from food, leading to deficiencies that are required for growth, wellbeing, and healing. An undiagnosed child can have issures with growth and development, and like all good auto-immune diseases, has several long term complications if not diagnosed and treated. Osteoporosis is usually on top of the ladder, along with infertility, miscarriage, tooth decay and increased risk of intestinal cancers.

The symptoms of Coeliac Disease are extreme and very uncomfortable, therefore making it relatively easy to diagnose in children.

Fortunately, any children who are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes are automatically screened for Coeliac Disease. Annual blood tests can also show any abnormalities that can alert your doctor to investigate further.

The most common symptoms include:

  • fatigue, lack of energy and lethargy
  • low iron levels
  • unusual or excessive wind or burping
  • feeling full after only a small amount of food
  • bloating or stomach distention
  • stomach cramps
  • a noted change in stools, ie. diarrhoea that is frequent and with a foul smelling odour
  • constipation
  • weight loss
  • poor weight gain or delayed growth
  • delayed puberty

Some less common symptoms in adults include:

  • easy bruising of the skin
  • mouth ulcers
  • infertility and miscarriages
  • muscle spasms/cramps
  • dental problems
  • poor memory/concentration
  • irritability
  • join and bone aches and pains

If you have diabetes,  you may also hae unexplained high and low blood sugar levels, and find it difficult to have good control of your glucose levels.

If there are any symptoms listed that have suddenly set off alarm bells or light bulbs, mention them to your doctor. There is no need for you to suffer, and you can easily reduce your discomfort. Read on!

Coeliac Disease doesn’t go away. (If you already have Type 1 Diabetes, this part of the diagnosis won’t be so tough to accept.) However,when you remove gluten from your diet, the wall of the intestine heals, and nutrients can once again be absorbed, the uncomfortable symptoms will improve out of sight and you will generally feel much better.


Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac Disease creates a huge problem for young children, as they often can no longer eat their favourite foods; including foods that were beneficial for keeping blood sugar levels steady. Any food or drink products containing gluten must be eliminated from the diet to achieve relief and regain good health.


In recent years, almost all supermarkets and certainly health food shops now stock a broad range of Gluten Free Products. There is no reason for your child to miss out on the occasional slice of cake or even daily toast or sandwiches. A diet rich in fruit, vegetables and grains will help balance out the often high fat and sugar content in Gluten Free Products.

So, who can help and set you on the right track?

JDRF Australia have lots of reading material about how to intergrate Coeliac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes,  as well some fabulous recipe books. My personal favourite is Great Food, Gluten Free, by Sheila Adsett. It is available from the JDRF website, or the Coeliac Society of Australia. Sheila has had years of experience in creating child friendly recipes; she has two beautiful, healthy daughters who both have Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac Disease.

The incidence of Coeliac Disease has become so prevalent that many cafes and restaurants now have one or a  few Gluten free items on the menu. Many modern recipe books will have a section with several delicious, gluten free recipes.

A dietician will be a great help when you are first diagnosed. They can help work out what foods work best for you as an individual, and not as a statistic.

Type 1 Diabetes and Coeliac Disease is a double whammy, I admit, and sometimes it can be very frustrating having to find special ingredients, and phasing out those that have been life long favourites. If your child is very intuitive, they will soon let you know that biscuits made on cornflour taste different (but not unpleasant) than those made on wheat flour. However, they will soon notice that the cramping and sudden rushes to the toilet will have stopped, so eventually, things do fall into place. The most dramatic change that I have noticed since Lance’s diagnosis is that he no longer has irritable, moody periods during the day. He is always bright, happy and brimming over with energy.

For more information, support and membership, contact the Coeliac Society Of Australia.


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Project365:Australia-Day 37: A Bloody Ending To A Colgate-Fresh Beginning.

Lance is recovering well from his first experience with blood, pain, medication and an invasive procedure.

He has had seven injections of insulin today, as his blood sugar is everywhere between the middle of the “normal” range, to 18mmol/L. This is only because he is required to have a diet of soft food only, which basically consists of jelly. mashed potatoes, yogurt, custard and smoothies-all High GI foods with plenty of carbs. At 2 am will be his 15th fingerprick in 18 hours.

He is taking a liquid antibiotic four times a day to give him a headstart with the healing process, and to fight off the threat of infection, which is a great worry as far as Diabetes is concerned. He has been very brave today and rejected pain relief, opting to tough it out instead.

He has begun iodine rinses, they taste absolutely putrid, but he is happy to swish and swirl it around his mouth, with the knowledge that it is going to help heal and get him back to real food quickly.

There was still some post-operative blood-stained drool on his pillow this morning, but the blood clots have formed very well.

Overall, he has had a positive experience from what so many people all over the world fear and dread-teeth extraction.

Even though the worst is over, a lot of care and attention is required at this point to assure that everything is progressing as it should. Diabetes often interferes with this process.

In this photo (1of 2,) are the remnants of Lance’s teeth, that were rotting, aesthetically displeasing to look at, and certainly painful-directly caused by Diabetes-related gum infections and absesses over the past 5 years.

These horrid fossil like objects are actually my son’s teeth-the black areas are from nerve damage, a direct result from Diabetes-related infections.

These were the teeth that suffered nerve damage, causing the ends to turn black. The blood drenched gauze beside them were a few of many that were used to apply pressure to halt the bleeding.

In this photo (2 of 2,) is the assortment of medications that have been required to ensure that Lance’s Diabetes does not interfere with the healing process, or that infection does not interfere with blood sugar levels. Hyperglycaemia is notorious for causing any injury or post-operative wound to heal slowly, and also heartily invites infection.

Paracetemol, Antibiotics, Iodine Solution, and of course, carefully measured amounts of insulin-all essential for a speedy recovery.

Lance will now have to have 3 monthly dental checks to ensure that there are no further gum problems, or issues with  tany other of his teeth. Fortunately, he has a second chance, as his adult teeth ( he has 6) are all in perfect condtion. 🙂

Diabetes can cause devastation to many parts of the body. After his 5 year checkup, I consider myself lucky that there was nothing more urgent that needed immediate attention.

If my son was not fortunate enough to be in the situation where he had the best care possible and the problem addressed immediately, he would have had no choice but to be placed on the Queensland Health Oral Health Waiting List; currently, it takes two years for a child to get an appointment. ALL children, but especially those with medical conditions such as Type 1 Diabetes, need to have 2 dental checks a year, to avoid problems with their teeth in the future. Our Health Department needs to step in and take control of a problem that concerns all children, even those WITHOUT Diabetes. It is appalling what can happen to baby teeth that are neglected. The worst scenario in this particular situation is that Lance could have developed an absess on one of the extracted teeth, which easily could have turned into fatal blood poisoning.

Insulin is not a cure.


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Post Operative Shennanigans.


Today was hardcore.

Lance woke at 9am, aware about what was going to happen, but still none the wiser about WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. I felt pangs of guilt as I watched him eat his breakfast, and lift his shirt without even thinking when he heard my footsteps approach him with his injections. He woke with a 7.9mmol/L reading, which was good, but I knocked two units off the Levemir dose, as well 2 of the Novorapid. If there was one day where I didn’t mind if he was high-ish, it was today.

We arrived at the surgery at 10.30am. Whilst Lance ran straight for the PlayStation 3, I went and had a chat to the “esteem staff.” (Yes, I’m being serious, this dentist employs chirpy, shiny girls with glowing eyes and huge smiles to mentally prepare you for the blood, pain and gore you are about to experience or witness.) They informed me that the dentist was preparing the “happy gas” as we spoke, and that Lance would be calm and rested, even whilst needles were administered.  Their bubbly speil fizzed over-the-top; I have to admit I found myself feeling nowhere near as ill as I did when I woke up. Oh sorry, I mean, when I got off the sofa. I was up making diet and regular jellies of all different flavours and colours at 3am. I watched Napoleon Dynamite, but even that couldn’t lift me out of my angst. However, now I felt quite peachy knowing that Lance was going to be in really good hands.

His ears pricked up when he heard his name called, and he jumped up and greeted the dentist and her assistant with a coy smile. The welcomed him and told him to make himself comfortable on the chair. I perched myself on a designer cube made out of purple leather, and slid it over towards my boy. He was given a squishy squeeze ball to kneed when he felt that things were becoming overwhelming, and then covered with a soft blanket.

A nose piece was fitted over his face. It was connected to two giant gas bottles. It was adjusted according to a number on the computer that holds all of my son’s dental history. He was told to concentrate on his breathing, chest rising, falling, rising, falling; the levels of nitrous oxide increasing with every breath. In fact, he was SO relaxed, he looked like he was there for a massage!

The next part wasn’t that great, but as Lance didn’t mind, I was okay with it too. The dentist had this super piece of technology which she gave me a brief explanation about. Instead of those giant stainless steel needles that I remember having rammed into my gum as a young girl, Lance had a “wand” with thin tubing attached to it, filtering through the “sleepy tooth juice” to the spots that needed to be numb. He didn’t make a peep! 14 injections to his gums, and one on the roof of his mouth, and nothing. I was impressed that his $20-per-minute visit was going so swimmingly!

By this stage, Lance was well and truly “happy.” He was humming songs, laughing to himself, he even turned to dentist and said, “My fridge is full of jelly-you are very welcome to come and have some with me!” She enthusiastically agreed, turning her head and mentioning that kids’ especially speak gobble-di-gook when under the influence of nitrous oxide, and don’t remember any of it when it’s out of their systems.

She then picked up a delicate instrument and literally scooped each tooth out! Within a minute, she had four small, but rather grusome looking teeth sitting in a plastic cup. Four separate gushes of blood began to flow down Lance’s chin. He had a gobful of gauze pushed into his mouth and light pressure applied on to the dents in his gum where his little teeth used to sit. The held it there for ten minutes, and then slowly turned the gas off, so that only pure oxygen was streaming through his system. 

He sat up with a start and we met each others eyes. He tried to smile, then realised that his mouth was full. He gazed around the room as if he had never seen it before. The dentist then folded up a thick wad of cotton gauze and asked him to gently bite down on it. He complied, however as soon as he tried to speak, he was hush-hushed by everybody so that blood clots could form. This was going to be the most delicate part of today. Lance could have no trampoline, no rock-and-roll wrestling with Chino, just total rest, with his head above his heart. The clots had to form well so that there wasn’t anymore unexpected mass bleeds.

He was then taken to the recovery room, and I was ushered to the receptionist’s desk. She pressed a few numbers on her computer.

She looked into my eyes, her flurescent white teeth smiling sweetly, as she read out the four digit number.


I handed over my card, and realised that it was the best money I could have possibly spent. (Second in line would definitely be my new Prada Handbag that grabs every girls’ attention. I picked up at the post Christmas sales for half price.)

My son was oblivious to a procedure that I, as a child, would have thrown the biggest tantrum known to man.

Even the dentist came out, and said, “Wow Kate, he is definitely, my best child patient. That procedure normally takes a good 90 minutes by the time I have talked the patient through each step, and gained their trust, but Lance had no fear, totally amazing. He got through that in 50 minutes, wow.  Highlight of my week. See you in seven days for review.”

(He is always amazing at consultations. I guess because he has had so many examinations-eye tests, podiatrist examinations, circulation tests, 3 monthly blood tests, a colonoscopy to diagnose Coeliac Disease, immunisations-all since he was was old enough to remember.)

Just as I went to the recovery room to take him to the car, the dentist appeared from nowhere with a handful of gauze and a list of post-extraction instructions.

“When he gets home, be prepared for tears, because his little body will go into shock after what he just went through. He can stop having the gauze in his mouth when the bleeding ceases. Okay?”

Hmm. Okay.

We were home within minutes. I made him a bed on the sofa and put on a DVD. I gave him a light blanket and helped him with the gauze changing. I was a little alarmed at how much blood was seeping out, but now that it was mixing with saliva, I guessed it looked more dramatic than it appeared.

“Mum, I’m finished with this stuff (gauze) now.”

I explained to him that we had to leave it in until the bleeding stopped. He whimpered and grizzled.

I set up the glucometer and pricked his finger.


So his adrenalin had booted his blood sugar through the roof. That’s okay..he’s had less insulin too….

“Mum, can you make this numbness go away? I can’t feel my nose!” he complained. I could see what was about to happen….

” It will go away in about 2 hours, just after the DVD,” I calmly said in my smoothest voice.

He thrashed himself around on the sofa and kicked each leg like an Olympic swimmer on the home stretch.

Then the tears came. He cried and he cried. Just as he would start to settle, I would have to put in more gauze, and the tears would start all over again. I gave him a dose of Panadol. (Just so you know, Panadol, honey, and lemonade are my most loathed items on the “I’m pissed so I’ll spit it at Mum” list. Everything else is tolerable to a point.)

So I gave him another dose of Panadol, this time in a large syringe. He swallowed it and stared at me with disdain.

I pat-pat-patted and rub-rub-rubbed his back, in an attempt to soothe him. Finally, the tears stopped.

He had literally cried himself to sleep.

When he awoke, the bleeding was almost over. A pale pinkish hue stained the last piece of gauze.

“Guess what, bug? No more gauze!!” I smiled.

Then  I grimaced. HYPO, and bad.

I tested, just to see what I was dealing with.


I shoved my glucagon kit under the sofa cushion and rushed for juice in a cup, with a straw, to avoid any gum area. Surprisingly enough, he actually drunk it. He was actually very thirsty, but I guess I would be too if I cried and ranted for two hours straight. I mixed another glass of juice with a sachet of sugar into it. He drank that down too. He looked better already.

So…that was our first experience with a complication related to Diabetes. The Dentist said she could feel his adult teeth just about to push their way through, so he won’t be gummy for long.

My next 365 photo will feature some remnants of the day.

Now I have to come up with an idea of how I can get him to start his salt-water gargles tomorrow.


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Pre-Operative Jitters

Tomorrow at 10.3oam, Lance is undergoing “awake” surgery at the dentist. From years of mouth ulcers, infections and antibiotics, there is severe damage to four of his precious little pearly whites.  He has been having pain for a long time, and it wasn’t until one night last year when he was brushing his teeth that he commented how he was tired of having toothaches. I had him at the dentist the very next day, and she gave us the verdict.

So tomorrow, after extensive discussions with an assortment of specialists, the dental surgeon and I have decided that she should extract the teeth whilst he is awake. The anaethetists and paediatrician ran a mile once they knew that Lance had Type 1 Diabetes, fearing a hypo whilst under general anaesthetic. So after a heap of excuses and brush-offs, tomorrow is the big day.

Firstly, I have to give him a hearty breakfast when he wakes, along with his insulin dose. I am going to play it safe and give him a unit or two less of both his insulins, just to decrease the risk of blood sugar issues. For morning tea, the plan is to give him a fruit smoothie, complete with yogurt, low fat icecream, mango, banana blended into a creamy batter with a splash of milk. Then, he brushes his teeth, flosses, and we go to the surgery. ( This is one ritzy dentist..I half expect Julian McMahon from Nip/Tuck to come sashaying out of the surgery to welcome us!) Every person I have ever seen leave has the Extreme Makeover smile, and boy are they happy to show it! (Lance is particularly impressed with the Kids Room. There is a Playstation3 set up,and he is warmly encouraged to indulge in a game whilst he waits for his consultation. Having current technology there is a very smart psychological tactic; Lance is itching to get that control set in his hands, so at the moment, he LOVES the dentist I chose for him. I do have to admit that it is slightly different to our GP’s play area, I’m quite sure the toys were donated by the doctor’s wife from her own personal stash of their children’s once loved treasures. (They have that distinct 70’s design and seem almost familiar from my own childhood, growing up in the 80’s.) I always wonder how many times each block has been sucked or handled by germy little hands over the years.. 

Today Lance commenced an antibiotic which is to be administered 4 times daily until finished. Tomorrow, he will receive 14 needles in his gums and cheeks to completely numb his mouth. If he starts to panic, or wants to do a runner, I have given my consent for him to have the maximum amount of nitrous oxide permitted for his weight and degree of pain. I’m hoping that it will plant him in the chair, and he has some nice head buzzing feelings, so that he is distracted by the unfriendly, clunking utensils that will be piercing his gums.

I am doing mental backflips at the moment, as my greatest fear is a panic induced hypo.I know stress on the body usually causes adrenalin to soar, thus elevating blood sugar levels, but not always in Lance’s case. He is reknowned for being carried out of events and restaurants. white as a snowflake, his head tilted back with his eyes rolled backwards so all that is visible is the eyeball, his azure blue eyes hiding somewhere in his skull.

I have decided to do BSL tests every 15 minutes, because I am not taking any chances. In the event that his blood sugar does fall to hypo level, I am giving a small dose of glucagon to bring it back up. It’s the only way, as once they have started “work” he cannot consume any food or drink.

I’m as nervous as hell. I don’t know what to expect. Dentists and their assistants speak a language exclusive to the oral health community.They communicate in a monotonal drone,making it impossible to get an idea if it’s a routine procedure with no complications, or if there is a potential concern.( Unlike endo talk, which I can decipher like I have spoken it all my life.)

I’m worried that Lance will panic and want to get out of the chair.

I’m worried that he will be overwhelmed by having needles in his mouth, and panic, screaming and begging me to set him loose.

I’m worried that he will have to be restrained, and lash out at the dentist and her assistants. (He still has issues regarding being held down, left over from when he was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  A team of burly doctors held his small, tense body firmly to a stainless steel examination table whilst frantically attempting to find a miniscule vein. Despite his dangerously vulnerable condition, he managed to conjure up some brute-like strength and fought like a 15 year old half back.)

I’m worried that he will have bleeding, or a deep cavity that will require stitches.

I’m scared silly of finding a number under 5mmol/L during the procedure.

Mostly, I am secretly devastated that this is Lance’s first official Diabetes related complication. It’s not that big of a deal, however, if I had decided to leave the teeth in, one day, with no particular warning, they could have developed absesses, became infected and at worst, fatal blood poisoning was “a real possiblity.”

I guess I’m just feeling like it all seems very real.

Diabetes, I mean.
I know it’s there, every minute of everyday, however, my seven year old son has to undergo a procedure tomorrow that even adults are admitted to hospital for, and have the privilege of general anaesthetic, leaving them none the wiser. As one specialist put it, Lance just “slips through the cracks of the medical system.”

The best news is that Lance was disappointed that the appointment wasn’t today, AND he loves the fairy-pink, cherry flavoured antibiotic. I’m really going to have to take a leaf out of his book-he has the most extraordinary inner strength and the ability to not sweat the small stuff.

I need to find some peace without creating this world of chaos for myself. The only problem with that, is that my fears often ring true.


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“Did God Give My Child Diabetes To Punish Me?”

I check my blog stats everyday, just to see how things are going, and if any post in particular has received attention so that I can discover what people want to know about..

I have a browse through some of my fave D blogs on my Bloglist, and I am often overwhelmed when a Mum in another continent is sharing my feelings at the exact same time, or inspired when a young woman around my age is investing every spare ounce of time and energy to keep her Diabetes on track. It gives me hope for my son’s future, knowing that people are living and surviving with this condition.

Yesterday, I visited  Penny‘s and Kerri’s websites. They were both having a light hearted guffaw about some of the more unusual word combinations that are typed into search engines, and in a bizarre twist, end up at their sites, often having no significance to Diabetes whatsoever. 

They also expressed their extreme sorrow when people are clearly looking for advice or help in relation to Diabetes. It’s a horrible feeling knowing that someone, somewhere in the world might be totally alone, grieving over their child’s diagnosis. Or when you can sense desperation in just a few disconnected words,”Will pancreas ever work again? Can I live without pancreas?” 

I get some hilarious entries, but I also get a lot of searches about children just diagnosed with Diabetes.

This morning, I found the most heartwrenching words.

Did God give my child Diabetes to punish me?”

I sat, frozen, staring at the computer screen, re-reading those words making sure that they actually meant what I thought they did.

It broke my heart to know that someone was hurting enough to think that they might find a word match that related to the most devastating sentence I have read in regards to Diabetes.

I even checked my emails in the hope that the owner of those words may have left something, but nothing.

I guess I just wanted to leave this message for you. In the case that you do happen to return my site, or you visit Penny or Kerri (just click on their highlighted names above,) or anyone on my Blogroll-there’s a wealth of knowledge and experience there- I implore of you to leave your email details, so that we can share our stories with you. I can assure you that we have all been furious that Diabetes has shown up on our doorstep and menaced with our children,leaving them terriblly ill and putting their lives in danger,and that consuming grief can linger for quite sometime.  However,it is definitely possible to make peace with Diabetes. Every endocrinologist in the world will tell you that there was nothing anyone could do to prevent the diagnosis. Diabetes does not discriminate, it sends shockwaves through all walks of life.

I need you to know that you are definitely not alone; there are so many incredible and strong parents in the Type 1 Community that will openly share their despair and pain, and you will be inspired by people who have been diagnosed for most of their lives, yet have achieved so much, even with Diabetes constantly nipping at their heels.

I am going to title this post with the same words that you used to find me, in the hope that you will return. You can be assured that any correspondence will remain highly confidential.


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